Kombolois pressed amber with silver (925°) tassel, 21 beads


SKU: KRE.0170
Availability: 1 In Stock
Bead Diameter: 10x12 mm
Material: Silver 925°
Weight: 26 gr
Overall length: 30 cm
Cord colour: Brown
Collection: pressed amber

In stock

Kombolois pressed amber with silver (925°) tassel, 21 beads

The laboratories, which process the amber and create the beads, collect the unexploited amber filings (process remains), as well as the unprocessed amber quantities. Afterwards, they press the above materials into moulds in high temperatures and thus create the pressed amber. Its colour varies, due to the mixed materials, the different pressure and temperature conditions. The pressed amber is more durable and harder in its use and has the amber`s natural properties. It usually has a honey, light dark brown colour.

Additional Information

Weight 500 g